Betekenis van:
money box

money box
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • bewaarplaats voor geld
  • a strongbox for holding cash




money box
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • pot waarin spaargeld wordt bewaard
  • a strongbox for holding cash




money box
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • geldkistje, moppentrommel
  • a strongbox for holding cash




money box
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • sneeuwberg
  • a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home





  1. None of the money was left in the money box.
  2. He put his money in the box.
  3. The miser opened the box to find his money stolen.
  4. He put all his money in the box.
  5. We found there was scarcely any money left in the cash-box.
  6. Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed.
  7. Indicate (by ticking in the relevant box(es)) if the confiscation order concerns: an amount of money
  8. In a variable rate tender, counterparties bid the amounts of money and the interest rates at which they want to enter into transactions with the national central banks [25]. BOX 3
  9. Quick tenders are normally executed within 90 minutes of the announcement of the tender, with certification taking place immediately after the announcement of the allotment result. The normal time frame for the operational steps for quick tenders is specified in Chart 2. The ECB may decide to adjust the time frame in individual operations, if deemed appropriate. Quick tenders are only used for the execution of fine-tuning operations. The Eurosystem may select, according to the criteria and procedures specified in Section 2.2, a limited number of counterparties to participate in quick tenders. Fixed rate and variable rate tenders The Eurosystem has the option of conducting either fixed rate (volume) or variable rate (interest) tenders. In a fixed rate tender, the ECB specifies the interest rate in advance and participating counterparties bid the amount of money they want to transact at the fixed interest rate [24]. In a variable rate tender, counterparties bid the amounts of money and the interest rates at which they want to enter into transactions with the national central banks [25]. BOX 3 Operational steps for tender procedures Step 1 Tender announcement a. Announcement by the ECB through public wire services b. Announcement by the national central banks through national wire services and directly to individual counterparties (if deemed necessary)